real-time temperature monitoring
Easy Access - Anytime - Anywhere

Temprecord Active Display (TAD) monitors:

  • Temperature,
  • Relative humidity,
  • Other alerts such as door left open, power fail, compressor on/off, etc.

 Alerts can be sent automatically to:

  • Email
  • Text to cellphones (Text alerts or E-Texting are facilitated by your cell-phone plan provider and they will charge a small monthly fee.)
  • Alarm Tower
  • Building alarm
  • External monitoring company

 TAD Cloud utilizes a LoRa (radio wireless) gateway to access the TAD Cloud based software. The gateway can operate either or both:

    • Connected directly to your network
    • Independently using 4G.  Note that having the 4G facility can act as a backup should your network fail for any reason

The Cloud host charge a monthly fee depending on the number of units used and the activity.

Temprecord is an ISO 17025 Calibration Laboratory Standard and all TAD loggers are certified accordingly.

Temprecord is a New Zealand company, designing and manufacturing all products in our Auckland based plant.

Please contact the office for more information:

Temprecord TAD Cloud real time monitoring brochure page 1

Temprecord TAD Cloud real time monitoring brochure page 2